Snoring Solutions South Surrey
Are you tired during the day? Do you snore? Have you been told you stop breathing during sleep? If you answer yes to any of these questions you may have Sleep Apena. Sleep Apnea is one of our biggest concerns for our patients across the entire field of dentistry. Many people are unaware of the dangers of poor quality while breathing, or of the innovative advancements in technology available to PowerSMILE patients. If you have or think you may have Sleep Apnea, contact PowerSMILE Dental Centre today to learn more about how we can help manage it.
Sleep Apnea Treatment
Here at PowerSMILE Dental Centre, we understand that you have a lot going on in your busy life, and that not getting a good night’s rest can be stressful and exhausting. We want to help you get the sleep you so desperately need. Whether you or a loved one have suffered from sleep deprivation for many years, or have recently been diagnosed with a sleep disorder, we are here to help.
Signs You Need Help
Most people experience sleep deprivation at one point in their life. The point at which you should seek help is when there is no obvious reason to lose sleep, and you are experiencing one or more of the following issues:
- Sleepiness during the day
- Trouble staying asleep
- Snoring loudly
- Shortness of breath upon awakening
- Headaches in the morning
- Dry mouth upon awakening
Remember, this program is for your loved ones as well. Is your spouse snoring loudly during the night? Are they keeping you awake, in turn causing sleep deprivation? Are you worried for their wellbeing?
Getting professional advice can help you with your or your loved one’s sleep disorder.
Each patient is different. Your diagnosis and may include changes in lifestyle, oral appliance therapy, or surgery. We will help you to determine your solution in conjunction with your own doctors.
Follow Up
We are available to answer questions, help you manage changes, and seek a new course of treatment if it is needed.
Why Choose PowerSMILE Dental Centre
The Dental professionals at PowerSMILE Dental Centre are your solution to snoring in South Surrey, think about more than just your teeth. We are here to help with your overall well being and care. We strive to provide our patients with what they need and what they want within our responsibilities as dental health professionals.